Author Study
Author Study with Kwame Alexander & Special Guest Judy Blume!
Virtual Reading, Book Talk, Craft Lesson and Q&A
Join us on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT for Author Study with Kwame Alexander and special guest, the legendary Judy Blume, recently named as one Time’s 100 Most Influential People of the Year in 2023!
Our 45-minute virtual livestream session is a unique opportunity to engage with and learn from two dynamic #1 New York Times best-selling, award-winning authors. Kwame will read from his National Book Award-longlisted novel, Booked, then speak with Judy on how she creates such compelling characters throughout her beloved collection of 29 best-selling books that have sold more than 90 million copies in 39 languages.
We’ll also do a character writing craft lesson, followed by a LIVE Q&A, taking questions from select attendees in the chat!
- Classroom / School / Library Registration: $375
- Title I Classroom / School or Homeschoolers Registration: $250
This event will also include an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter.
In order to give participants a unique and more personalized experience, space for this virtual livestream event is limited. Register today at to secure your spot!
Note: This event is intended for grades 4-12 and will run 45 minutes (1:00-1:45pm ET / 10:00 - 10:45am PT). Each registration provides access through a unique URL and passcode as a single login to the virtual livestream, which can be used from one device for viewing in an individual classroom or library, or broadcast to a school-wide assembly. The login cannot be used on multiple devices concurrently. However, the single login can be used if your school or organization is set up to broadcast from one device into multiple classrooms. However, the single login can be used if your school or organization is set up to broadcast from one device into multiple classrooms. Please see FAQs on the event page for additional details.
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