Tuesday, March 11, 2025
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm ET
Author Study
Author Study with Kwame Alexander and Special Guest Mo Willems
Registration/Ticket Information: Register Here

Rescheduled from December!
Join Kwame and iconic children’s book author Mo Willems to learn about developing strong characters with words and illustrations.
Students will hear Kwame read from one of his children's books, then learn a strategy for creating strong characters in a brief writing lesson. Mo will read his most recent book, Lefty! Then students will learn from Kwame and Mo in a conversation about Mo’s approach to character as an author, illustrator, animator and playwright. The 45-minute virtual author visit ends with a live Q&A session, in which Kwame answers questions from children in the chat.
Register HERE! (Note: If you'd already registered for the event in December, you do NOT need to register again. Your original ticket will be honored for this rescheduled March event.)
Learn how Author Study supports student learning goals.
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