Thursday, September 19, 2024
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm ET
Brooklyn, NY
Action Dreaming: A Community Conversation About the Future of Learning and Education
Brooklyn Public Library
Brooklyn, NY
Registration/Ticket Information: Register for In-Person or Online Here
Website: Brooklyn Public Library

Join Kwame and his good friends, Kass and Cornnelius Minor, for an evening of dreaming and community conversation about the future of learning centered on children and the villages that nurture them.
Through storytelling, listening and art-making, explore how education has evolved and see how dynamic and powerful transformative education can be.
This event is for educators, parents, caregivers, dreamers, artists, activists and anyone who believes in the power of community to foster educational change!
Register for in-person (note, space is limited) or the virtual livestream HERE! You can also read more about the event on the Brooklyn Library website.
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