Sunday, September 22, 2024
1:30 pm to 5:00 pm ET
Washington DC
Shelved Voices: How Book Censorship & Bans Impact Everyone, Everywhere
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library & Virtual Livestream
Washington DC
Registration/Ticket Information: Register for In-Person or Online Here
Join us on Sunday, September 22, 2024, as the Aspen Institute Arts Program in partnership with Kwame Alexander, W. Kamau Bell and the D.C. Public Library and D.C. Public Library Foundation presents, “Shelved Voices: How Book Censorship & Bans Impact Everyone, Everywhere,” at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library Auditorium in Washington, D.C. This program kicks off Banned Books Week 2024 with three segments exploring the history of book banning, the current state of literary access in the US, and how we might catalyze inspiration for protecting and expanding access to the written word for all readers. Featuring conversations with policy experts, librarians, authors, students, and advocates on the frontlines, this program highlights what’s happening in regions where censorship is both prominent and subtle. In-person attendees will also have an opportunity to submit questions during both panel sessions.
This event is free, but registration is required for both in-person (limited space available) and livestream. Livestream details will be provided via email ahead of the event to registered attendees.
Be sure to visit the Library before the program for an opportunity to purchase a book for donation to a contested library from a pop-up store by People’s Book in Takoma Park, a local bookstore just outside Washington. People’s Book sales begin at 1:00 pm. Program begins promptly at 1:45 pm ET and concludes by 5:00 pm ET; see the agenda below for details.
Welcome & Introductions
Richard Reyes-Gavilan, Executive Director, DC Public Library
Danielle Baussan, Vice President of Policy Programs, Aspen Institute & Director of Aspen Institute Arts Program
Kwame Alexander, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author & Emmy Award-winning Producer
Panel 1: Understanding the Landscape of Book Bans
Moderated by Emmy-award winning producer, director, author, comedian and TV personality W. Kamau Bell
Robert Corn-Revere, Chief Counsel, FIRE
Christina Ellis, student, Penn State University, co-author (forthcoming) Fighting Censorship: A Handbook for Pushing Back on Book Bans
Jill Murphy, Chief Content Officer, Common Sense Media
Dr. Lauren M. Wells, educator, researcher, and community organizer
Student Spotlight
Edha Gupta, student, University of Pittsburgh, co-author (forthcoming) Fighting Censorship: A Handbook for Pushing Back on Book Bans
Panel 2: Resistance on the Frontlines
Moderated by #1 New York Times bestselling author and Emmy-award winning producer Kwame Alexander
Antonio Gonzalez Cerna, Executive Director, Marketing, Levine Querido
Tiffany Jewell, author, This Book is Antiracist
Amanda Jones, Librarian (Louisiana), anti-censorship activist, author of That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America
Carisa Lopez, Deputy Director, Texas Freedom Network
Closing Session
Kwame Alexander and W. Kamau Bell reflecting on the past, present, and future of literary access.
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