Saturday, March 8, 2025
11:00 am to 12:30 pm ET
Action Dreaming: Continuing the Conversation About the Future of Learning
Registration/Ticket Information: Click here to purchase tickets

Action Dreaming is a free event, open to anyone: educators, parents, caregivers, dreamers, artists, activists and anyone who believes the power of community to foster educational change.
In an educational landscape teeming with uncertainties, it has become increasingly difficult to parent children, harder to teach them and it's especially challenging to be one. Too often the conversation focuses on what's good for education instead of what is actually good for children - and what is good for the people who love them. Let's put our dreams for children into action!
Join Kass and Cornelius Minor in partnership with Kwame for a community conversation about the future of learning that is focused on children. During this 90-minute interactive session be ready to engage with storytelling, questions and reimagining as we explore what education has been and what powerful, transformative learning CAN be. We'll focus on the essential question: What does it mean to raise free people?
You'll take away specific, actionable ideas for home and classroom was well as what to watch for in terms of policy proposals. We'll discuss actions you can dream into practice within your circle of influence.
Although this is a continuation of our September 2024 Action Dreaming event, you need not have attended that session to be able to participate fully in this one. Likewise, if you did attend our September event, you'll gain new perspectives and insights here.
The event is free but registration is required. You may register HERE!
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